Saturday, February 15, 2025
About Us

This is one of the most beautiful shots taken of Jack... He is the most awesome dog. I cannot tell you how much joy this dog has brought to this family. He has grown into the ideal lab. He is smart, obedient, loyal, funny, love-able, beautiful, majestic, and David's best friend. Even the neighbors are in love with him. Jay, next door, plays with him almost every day, and he has two dogs of his own! Lol!

~ Brenda Oaks, May 2010

Now, for a little information about us! We have been raising labs for about 10 years. My husband has been raising and training labs since 1960's so we decided to get back into raising labs again. We live on a 50 acre farm, with a large pond, that all the labs can't wait to get into. Each lab has his/her  own night time sleeping quarters. We also have a large fenced in area for the dogs to play in during the day, with fresh water daily. I am the primary care taker of the labs. I really enjoy the labs, and making sure their sleeping quarters are kept clean, with fresh water daily. I am really protective of all my labs, and I make sure that each puppy will have a good home, because labs are a very special breed of dog.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself

Your puppy will be waiting for you. Please read our warranty page, for more information.



The Gordons